Introduction to R Master the basics of data analysis by manipulating common data structures such as vectors, matrices and data frames. 4 hours
Data Analysis in R, the data.table Way Master core concepts in data manipulation such as subsetting, updating, indexing and joining your data using data.table. 4 hours
Data Manipulation in R with dplyr Master techniques for data manipulation using the select, mutate, filter, arrange, and summarise functions in dplyr. 4 hours
Data Visualization in R with ggvis Learn to create interactive graphs to display distributions, relationships, model fits, and more using ggvis. 4 hours
Reporting with R Markdown Learn to create interactive analyses and automated reports with R Markdown. 3 hours
Intermediate R Continue your journey to become an R ninja by learning about conditional statements, loops, and vector functions. 6 hours
Introduction to Machine Learning Learn to train and assess models performing common machine learning tasks such as classification and clustering. 6 hours
Cleaning Data in R Learn to explore your data so you can properly clean and prepare it for analysis. 4 hours
Intro to Python for Data Science Master the basics of data analysis in Python. Expand your skill set by learning scientific computing with numpy. 4 hours
Intermediate R - Practice Strengthen your knowledge of the topics you learned in Intermediate R with a ton of new and fun exercises. 4 hours
Predicting Customer Churn in Python Learn how to use Python to analyze customer churn and build a model to predict it. Upcoming Premium Course