score | average professor evaluation score: (1) very unsatisfactory - (5) excellent. |
rank | rank of professor: teaching, tenure track, tenured. |
ethnicity | ethnicity of professor: not minority, minority. |
gender | gender of professor: female, male. |
language | language of school where professor received education: english or non-english. |
age | age of professor. |
cls_perc_eval | percent of students in class who completed evaluation. |
cls_did_eval | number of students in class who completed evaluation. |
cls_students | total number of students in class. |
cls_level | class level: lower, upper. |
cls_profs | number of professors teaching sections in course in sample: single, multiple. |
cls_credits | number of credits of class: one credit (lab, PE, etc.), multi credit. |
bty_f1lower | beauty rating of professor from lower level female: (1) lowest - (10) highest. |
bty_f1upper | beauty rating of professor from upper level female: (1) lowest - (10) highest. |
bty_f2upper | beauty rating of professor from second upper level female: (1) lowest - (10) highest. |
bty_m1lower | beauty rating of professor from lower level male: (1) lowest - (10) highest. |
bty_m1upper | beauty rating of professor from upper level male: (1) lowest - (10) highest. |
bty_m2upper | beauty rating of professor from second upper level male: (1) lowest - (10) highest. |
bty_avg | average beauty rating of professor. |
pic_outfit | outfit of professor in picture: not formal, formal. (not used in this analysis) |
pic_color | color of professor's picture: color, black & white. (not used in this analysis) |